
Nimbus business process modeling software
Nimbus business process modeling software

In this interview, McGregor, comments on why he thinks that is, elaborates on the difference between mapping and modeling tools and explains what he sees as the benefits of modeling tools. So why don’t more organizations use them? According to a 2012 benchmarking study "Are Process Mapping and Modeling tools missing the target?" that Mark McGregor conducted while at analyst firm MWD Advisors, modeling tools have gained relatively little traction at organizations. In a similar way, while mapping tools can provide you with nice drawings of your processes, modeling tools can provide you with a more robust, 3-dimensional view. The difference between process mapping and process modeling tools is like the difference between a 2-dimensional road atlas and a GPS, says Mark McGregor, The road atlas has a lot of information in it but it’s in a format that is very difficult to use while you’re driving. But are mapping software tools enough or should companies take a more serious look at modeling tools?

nimbus business process modeling software

Most organizations start by drawing graphical representations of their processes – effectively flowcharts - using lightweight software like Microsoft Visio, or SmartDraw. Documenting your business processes is the first step in any process transformation initiative.

Nimbus business process modeling software